Generating a password really isn’t too tricky when you think about it. I can run the following cmdlet:
It will immediately produce a 10 character random numeric number. Sure, it could be a really cool pin code for somebody’s voicemail or a really lousy login Password.
Get-Random can even work with random data from an array such as this:
“dog”,”cat”,”rubber chicken” | GET-RANDOM
So we could improve our random Password by submitting a string containing the entire alphabet to the Get-Randomcmdlet. First, we generate a variable that contains all of the uppercase characters in the alphabet as a start.
$alphabet=$NULL;For ($a=65;$a –le 90;$a++) {$alphabet+=,[char][byte]$a }
I could then loop through this, say 10 times, to generate a 10-character password. We can build a simple function to meet this need, and supply the raw data and the length of the password as parameters.
Function GET-Temppassword() {
For ($loop=1; $loop –le $length; $loop++) {
$TempPassword+=($sourcedata | GET-RANDOM)
return $TempPassword
Now we could call up a function to generate a simply random password like this:
GET-Temppassword –length 19 –sourcedata $alphabet
This works well, but only produces a password of UPPERCASE characters. This is hardly anything that would meet most security guidelines. So we can build a bigger character set. We could modify our “Building the alphabet loop,” starting with the first available ASCII character until we basically run out.
$ascii=$NULL;For ($a=33;$a –le 126;$a++) {$ascii+=,[char][byte]$a }
Then we plug this into our function for a Temporary password. Let’s have some fun and hand our user a 43-character password!
GET-Temppassword –length 43 –sourcedata $ascii
Wow! I think we’ve definitely hit the “Password complexity” rules, but I suspect that although Security will be dancing with joy, our Help Desk will get hit severely with staff mistyping this new password.
Of course, simply by limiting the number of characters, we might have a more palatable password…say 9?
GET-Temppassword –length 9 –sourcedata $ascii
Or to really balance things down, we could refine the list of characters to Mostly Alphabetic, Numeric, and a few “Specials” by picking a sequence of ASCII characters that meet our needs.
For ($a=48;$a –le 122;$a++) {$ascii+=,[char][byte]$a }
Running with this combination, we get a slightly more palatable password:
Now here’s another neat trick...
You can pipe this function to a built-in feature in Windows 7 and Windows 8, called clip.exe. This will take the output and place it directly onto the clipboard.
GET-Temppassword –length 9 –sourcedata $ascii | CLIP
Or if you want to generate the password as something useful for a New user, and the cmdlet requires that the password is in a secure-string format, you could do something like this to save it, clip it, and make it secure:
$PW= GET-Temppassword –length 9 –sourcedata $ascii | CLIP
$SecurePW=CONVERTTO-Securestring $PW -asplaintext -force
How you build the source data for generating a password is up to you. There are some excellent scripts in the
Script Repository for building passwords in a myriad of ways. What’s important for you, is that you can generate them relatively easily and in methods under your control.
I would suggest avoiding enforcing the 43-character minimum as the limit. Just sayin’…